Talking About Duct Maintenance and RepairsTalking About Duct Maintenance and Repairs

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Talking About Duct Maintenance and Repairs

Hello, my name is Edward McLaughlin. I am going to use my site to talk about duct cleaning and repair. The ducts running through your home send hot or cold air to each room in an effort to control temperatures. The temperature the system strives to achieve is set at the thermostat. Without cleaning and repairing the ducts, the air will fail to flow to the proper location, keeping temperatures at improper levels. I will talk about the different tools and techniques used by HVAC contractors to maintain and fix the ducts. Please feel free to use the information on my site to keep your ductwork in perfect shape. Thanks for visiting.

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2 Possible Problems With Your Home A/C System's Evaporator Coils

After your home's central air conditioner has been running for more than a few minutes, you may have noticed that your house is not getting any cooler and feels almost as muggy as the outdoor air. After checking the temperature of the air coming from the vents, you may have discovered that it is only slightly lower than room temperature.

If this scenario describes what is happening in your home, there is a good chance that there is an issue with the system's evaporator coils. There are a couple of possible problems that could affect the coils' ability to cool and dehumidify your home.

1.  Coils Are Covered in a Thick Layer of Dirt, Dust, and Pollen

One possible reason why your A/C system does not seem to be working as well as it should is that the coils are covered in a thick layer of dirt, dust, and pollen. Since the coils are blocked from coming into direct contact with the air, the air itself will not be cooled by them.

The moisture will also be left in the air, making your home feel humid. While you could attempt to clean the coils yourself, dirty coils may not be the actual cause of the problem. You may want to have an HVAC contractor do it for you to ensure that they are not damaged.

2.  Surfaces of the Coils Have Eroded and Allowing Refrigerant to Leak Out

Another possible reason why the evaporator coils are no longer working properly is that they are leaking refrigerant. The refrigerant passes through the coils to lower the temperature of the air before it is blown into your house.

Over time, the caustic nature of the refrigerant will start to erode the surfaces of the coils. As the erosion takes place, the likelihood that a hole will form in the coils is increased significantly. 

Once the coils have eroded and started leaking, the loss of refrigerant combined with the issue with the coils will contribute to warmer, more humid air in your house. A professional can determine what needs to be done about the eroded coils before recharging the system with refrigerant.

Whether dirty or leaking, when there is a problem with the evaporator coils, an A/C system will not be able to cool and dehumidify your home properly. Set up a time with an air conditioning repair contractor near you to determine the precise problem with the system so that they can clean the coils and fix any issues that they may find.

To learn more, contact an air conditioning contractor.