Furnace Issues: 3 Signs You Need To Contact A Furnace Repair Professional
As cold weather approaches, your worst nightmare is having your furnace break down on you during the dead of winter. Thankfully, your furnace is going to give you signs that something is going wrong before it breaks down completely, allowing you the opportunity to contact a furnace repair professional before you are left without warm air. As long as you know what you should be looking for, you can save money and ensure your home is comfortable throughout the winter season. Here are three signs that indicate a local furnace repair contractor is needed sooner rather than later.
Loud Noises
As long as your furnace is making quiet noises, everything is just fine and there is no need to worry. However, if you start to hear loud squealing or banging that just doesn't seem normal, then there is likely an underlying issue. Banging tends to indicate mechanical components that have loosened, while squealing can indicate a worn-out belt or fan. Take note of the noise that you hear and let your furnace repair contractor know where you believe the sound is coming from, as this will speed up the repair process.
Excess Dust Buildup
As your heating system pushes air through the ventilation system, dust and other small particles will be picked up along the way. Your air filter is made to catch the dirt, dust, and other particles. If the filters are not kept clean or changed regularly, the dirt, dust, and debris can result in a clog and prevent proper airflow, leading to more serious and costly repair problems. If there is additional dust in the home, check the air filter before anything else. If the filter is fine, contact a contractor about duct cleaning.
Yellow Pilot Light
Generally, furnace pilot lights are blue in color. However, the pilot light can turn yellow if the right mixture of gases is not received. In some cases, the yellow pilot light may be a result of carbon monoxide buildup; therefore, it is imperative to contact a furnace repair service immediately to ensure that your family and property remain safe. The ventilation system may need to be adjusted so that the gases can dissipate in the right manner.
If you would like to learn more or if you have noticed any of the aforementioned signs with your household furnace, get in touch with a local furnace replacement service to schedule an appointment.