Mistakes That Can Void Your HVAC Warranty
Your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) warranty can save you a great deal of money whenever the system fails. You don't want to find yourself in a situation where your HVAC has malfunctioned but the warranty is not valid. Prevent such a disaster by knowing and avoiding habits that may void your warranty, such as these four:
Unprofessional Installation
Improper installation of an HVAC system will not only interfere with its efficiency, but it may also lead to premature and constant breakdowns. For example, if an installation mistake was made and the HVAC is experiencing inefficient airflow, it may overheat and damage its motors; this is why HVAC manufacturers require their products to be installed by certified HVAC technicians. Don't be surprised if the HVAC manufacturer asks for proof of professional installation if a breakdown occurs and it suspects poor installation as the cause of the failure.
Forgetting to Register the Warranty Card
In some cases, you are required to register your product's warranty by filling a form and sending it to the manufacturer. In fact, you usually have a limited time within which you have to register the warranty, if registration is required. Unfortunately, many people have an unhealthy relationship with paperwork and fail to fill or return the warranty cards. You will have a hard time getting prompt repairs from the manufacturer if the unit breaks down and you didn't register it before.
Ignoring the Manual Maintenance Requirement
No HVAC manufacturer wants to pay for repairs because you forgot to do the necessary maintenance. Breakdowns stemming from lack of maintenance is usually categorized as maintenance-related issues, which warranties don't cover. Now, HVAC systems need regular maintenance; some you can do on your own, but the system needs a professional touch at least once a year. Some manufacturers will demand proof for this professional service before honoring the warranty terms.
Improvising Parts and Repairs
Lastly, you should also ensure that your HVAC system is repaired by a professional and with the right parts whenever it breaks down; this is particularly true when it involves sensitive parts such as the motors or other electrical parts. DIY repair is not wrong as long as it is done correctly, but improvisation can cost you a lot. For example, using a random rope or wire to replace a fan belt may lead to further damage if the belt or wire breaks and gets entangled in other parts of the HVAC. Such forms of bungled up repairs can easily void your warranty.
To learn more about HVAC repairs, contact a company like AIR PRO SERVICES.