3 Ways To Make Your Pool House Cooler During The Summer
If you have a pool and pool house, you might love spending time in them during the summer months. However, you might have found that your pool house is uncomfortably warm during the summer. Luckily, following these tips can help you keep it nice and comfortable.
1. Install an HVAC Unit
Some people think that a window unit air conditioner or portable air conditioner is a good choice for a pool house due to the structure's size. However, these systems can make it difficult for you to keep your pool house nice and comfortable. For one thing, a window unit air conditioner might not be able to keep up during the heat of summer, particularly if your pool house is decently sized. Additionally, since these units cool unevenly, you might find that sitting too close to the window unit air conditioner might leave you feeling a bit too cool, but you might need to run the unit on high just to keep the rest of the pool house comfortable.
Luckily, there are central air conditioning units that are small and that are designed just for the purpose of being used for smaller structures, including pool houses. If you work with a heating and air conditioning professional, he or she can help you choose and install the right unit for your structure.
2. Consider Installing Window Tint
A lot of pool houses have a lot of windows or have glass doors. This glass is put into place so that you can enjoy the view of your pool. However, the problem is that the sun can shine in through the windows and can make the inside of the pool house feel quite hot. Of course, you can put shades or curtains over the windows, but if you do so, you will not be able to look out easily and enjoy the view. Instead, consider installing window tint on your windows. Then, it can feel nice and cool inside of your pool house, but you'll be able to see outside well at the same time.
3. Place Fans in Convenient Places
When you and your friends are mingling in the pool house, you might find that some of you are more comfortable than others. Those who have been sitting inside might be comfortable, but those who just came in from the pool might be feeling a bit overheated. Placing small fans in convenient places can make it easy for people to get the extra air that they need so that they can stay cool.
Contact a company, like Tuck & Howell, for more help.