How To Maintain Your Ductwork's Efficiency
The ductwork is some of the most efficient parts of your air conditioning (AC) system. This means keeping it clean and efficient is integral to your AC's efficiency and your house's comfort. Here are some of the measures that will keep your ductwork efficient:
Seal Leaky Ducts
Air leaks are the premier cause of ductwork inefficiency. This problem, which is actually widespread, forces your AC to run more frequently and for longer cycles. This happens because the leaks lose conditioned air and also allow unconditioned air to enter your home via the return ducts.
If you don't know whether your ductwork is leaking air, have an AC technician inspect the ducts and plug any leaks they may find. It's best to use a professional technician to ensure that the right materials are used for the sealing.
Inspect the Ducts Regularly
You may not always realize it if your AC is marginally efficient or if the ductwork has small air leaks. It is not also easy to tell if the ducts have dust buildups, at least not when the dust accumulation is just starting. For example, pollen, mold, and even insects can invade and affect your ductwork. Therefore, commission a regular inspection and maintenance schedule to confirm the condition of your ductwork and take care of any maladjustment.
Don't Block Air Registers
Your ductwork's efficiency depends on the level of air it circulates; the ducts won't help you much if they can't circulate air throughout your home. This means even if the ductwork is operational, you can still render them inefficient if air isn't exiting or getting into them, for example, if you are air registers are blocked. Note that it isn't just dirt accumulation that can block the registers; you can also block them with poor placement of furniture and other large objects.
Avoid DIY Duct Modifications
Poor design of ductwork can also interfere with their efficiency. For example, the efficiency of the ductwork will suffer if they don't have enough air registers, and the same thing will happen if the ducts are the wrong size for your home. Design problems may not be an issue if a professional team designed and installed the ductwork. However, you can easily mess them up via DIY repairs and modifications. Therefore, ensure that any modification or major repair is handled by a professional technician.
Apart from regular inspections and maintenance, you also need a professional technician's intervention if you suspect something is wrong with the ductwork. Don't ignore "minor" malfunctions since they can easily transform into bigger issues. Contact a heating and cooling company for more information and assistance.