Talking About Duct Maintenance and RepairsTalking About Duct Maintenance and Repairs

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Talking About Duct Maintenance and Repairs

Hello, my name is Edward McLaughlin. I am going to use my site to talk about duct cleaning and repair. The ducts running through your home send hot or cold air to each room in an effort to control temperatures. The temperature the system strives to achieve is set at the thermostat. Without cleaning and repairing the ducts, the air will fail to flow to the proper location, keeping temperatures at improper levels. I will talk about the different tools and techniques used by HVAC contractors to maintain and fix the ducts. Please feel free to use the information on my site to keep your ductwork in perfect shape. Thanks for visiting.

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Summer is officially here. There's still time to give your air conditioner a thorough cleaning before the temperatures start to soar. Giving your air conditioner a thorough cleaning will help it run more efficiently this summer. It will also help reduce the chances of mechanical failure. The last thing you want to deal with is a broken air conditioner when the temperatures are in the triple digits. Luckily, you don't always need to have your air conditioner professionally serviced. You can do many tasks on your own to improve functionality. Here are some step-by-step instructions that will help you clean your air conditioner.

Remove the Fan Grill

When cleaning your air conditioner, the first thing you want to do is remove the fan grill. That's the cage located at the top of your air conditioner, that the fan blade is attached to. Use a screwdriver to loosen the screws, carefully lift the fan grill up, and set it on the top of the air conditioner. You'll be able to see inside the air conditioner now. While you have the grill open, carefully reach inside and remove any loose debris – such as leaves and birds nests – you can see.

Clean and Adjust the Fins

The fins are an important part of your air conditioner. If you're not sure what the fins are, they're the metal, filter-looking sheets that are inside the air conditioner. If they're dirty, or bent, your air conditioner won't work properly. The first thing you'll need to do is adjust any fins that are bent, or pushed together. You can adjust the fins using a butter knife. Simply run the edge of your butter knife between all the fins. This will bend them back into shape. Next, spray them down with an aerosol cleanser that you can find at any home improvement store. Allow the cleaner to soak in for about 15 minutes.

Rinse the Unit

After the aerosol cleaner has sat for several minutes, you'll want to clean your air conditioner unit. Use your garden hose with a high-pressure nozzle to take care of this part of the project. Begin by cleaning the inside of your air conditioner first. With your hose inside the air conditioner, point the nozzle towards the coils and rinse until the water runs clear. Repeat the process on the outside of your air conditioner. Once you've cleaned your air conditioner inside and out, replace the fan grill.

Make sure you stay cool this summer. Use the tips provided here to get your air conditioner clean, and ready for the searing heat. If you notice problems with your air conditioner, such as cracked pipes, or damaged wiring, be sure to contact your HVAC technician as soon as possible. 

For more information about HVAC care, visit websites such as